9 February6 October 2024

Barna Éltes and Péter Rizmayer

Abode / Shelter

The joint opening event of exhibitions by Barna Éltes and Péter Rizmayer will take place at the Székely National Museum on Thursday, 8 February 2024, at 6 pm. The two exhibitions based on a common theme are located on the top floor of the museum and will be open until 23 November 2024.

Barna Éltes: Abode
The house is presented in the exhibition as a sacral building, its orientation with its functional elements: door, window, gate, altar. The interesting thing about the exhibition is that Barna Éltes has created her works from objects (shingles, slats, planks, old photographs of museum installations, etc.) that were thrown away during the renovation of the building.

Péter Rizmayer: Shelter
There must always be “a place” where we can retreat, “a place” where we can recover from the trials of our reality. Or are we living in an illusion and refuge is our true reality?

There has to be a ‘place’ where we can hide and be with ourselves, have a look in our own mirror or bathe in our own woods, so that we can heal and endure the world outside. But then the question arises: why do we return to reality, why doesn’t the shelter become our refuge?

There is “a place” from whence we came and to which our souls always long to return, but this place is dwindling. We are consuming it, building counter-world that engulfs and exploits its bounty. Today we cannot live without either, we are unable to manage without technology, and our refuge seems to be narrowing and moving further away. Have we even reached the point where our shelter needs protection?

The sad thing is that the refuge of our shelter does not exist outside of us, we are dependent on each other, but our circle of existence is closing. When will we finally realize that without the shelter we are lost?

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